How our choices Impact Our Genes

ryann and dulce of red alliance doing a plank outside

You don’t have to just settle for the “bad genes” you were handed. You don’t have to live with disease, inflammation, pain and discomfort.

We’re going to get a little sciencey here but this is crucial for you to know.

Your lifestyle impacts your genes.

Genes contain the information that determines everything about you.

Things like eye color, height but also things like body fat, insulin sensitivity and disease.

It was once believed that our genes controlled our fate. If you have genes for obesity, heart disease arthritis then all of that was coming your way.

As crazy as this sounds there is now evidence that you can switch “on” or “off” certain genes. 

Epigenetics has revealed that stress, level of activity and of course what you eat can influence whether or not certain genes are turned on or off.

If a certain disease like diabetes or arthritis runs in your family. It does not mean that you will have diabetes or arthritis. Through your lifestyle, you can stack odds to your favor and although it may take more effort and consistency you can live a healthy life. Not all genes are not set in stone.

Although DNA determines the original programming lifestyle has a big influence on the genes expressed that make us who we are. We are born with a set of genes but what you do day to day can determine what genes are expressed.

This is powerful to know! You can change the way your DNA is translated and you can pass along healthier genes to your kids even if your parents didn’t have the healthiest habits.

And the end of the day Nurture trumps Nature

If you care for your body now, you can avoid any diseases that runs in your family and you can give your children a better start with their health!


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