Recommitting To Yourself

ryann from red alliance reading and setting goals

It’s not the meal plan or workout regimen that failed you, unfortunately, YOU failed yourself when you gave up.

Are you someone that jumps from one diet plan to another?

You’ve tried keto, intermittent fasting, low carb, high carb, and everything in between? Have you tried every workout regimen? Cycling, boot camps, Pilates, Zumba, yoga?

When you start something new, it works, doesn’t it? But once the program ends, or the motivation wears out, the weight starts packing on.

You see in order for you to succeed in the long run you need to be able to hold your own hand, you have to be 100% committed to yourself.

Yes, community and accountability are extremely important but at the end of the day YOU have to make it to the gym, YOU have to do the push-up, YOU have to put the food in your mouth (or not), YOU have to have the willpower to not stop at your favorite fast-food joint.

The reality is It’s 100% up to you. This is where mental and inner fitness come into play and why it’s so important to work on your mindset alongside your physical body too. In order for you to transform long term, you need to strengthen your mindset and truly believe you are capable of changing your life.

I know you have it in you to make it to your goal.

Trust the process and take it one day at a time. Feed your mind things that will fuel your drive and motivation. Build confidence in yourself. You can do it; I believe in you. 


Two quotes That Create Immediate Peace